NEMMIA's home is in Kasese, a district in Western Uganda.
(Picture: Participants of the English-Literacy-Mentoring-Program, Jan. 2023, with NEMMIA-founders Betina Mutsuba - back 1st from right, and Joram Muhirwa - back 3rd from right)
NEMMIA conceives and organises initiatives to expand access to ideas and innovative approaches.
Among others, NEMMIA organises trainings, research, mentoring sessions.
(Picture: Training self-employed parents in Bwera /Western Uganda, March 2017)
NEMMIA has been partnering with individuals and organisations which pursue and further the same aims, and which allowed NEMMIA to learn and grow. For instance
- in 2017, NEMMIA partnered with Two Sides of the Same Coin, a US-American-Ugandan none-profit which trains female entrepreneurs.
- From 2015 to 2017, NEMMIA worked with Felix Meier zu Selhausen who researches African Economic History.
More about NEMMIA on facebook